
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

Yesterday we did a little photo shoot downtown for our Christmas cards. I was so excited that we actually got a few where both kids were posed well.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Fall 2012

I thought I would do a post on our Fall decorations this year with every intention of featuring the adorable house number pumpkin topiary on our front porch. Unfortunately, I procrastinated on taking the photo and it rotted before I got the chance. 

The entryway and mantle looked pretty similar to last year:

Our little buffet/storage thing changed from last year...

to this year...

...and with the addition of our shelving after last Thanksgiving our table area got much busier.

It mainly comes across as busy in the photos but it's actually quite pretty in person. 

My grandmother passed away earlier this year and I inherited her silver tea set and candlesticks. I thought I would use them on the shelf to remember her by as we celebrate the holidays this year.

Now we get to decorate for Christmas! Happy Thanksgiving!