
Thursday, May 2, 2013


A few weeks ago on my trip to see family (we live about 11 hours from my hometown), I noticed my best friend's gorgeous burlap wreath on her front door. I have been meaning to put something on our front door but have failed to do so since Christmas. Since our house is on the market, I thought I really needed to break down and put something up that would make it have a little more curb appeal. 

I have been wanting to make a wreath for quite a while but I just hadn't gotten around to figuring out how to or making the time to do so. Well, last week after watching this easy burlap wreath video, I made one! I was so excited about how easy it was that I may have gone a little crazy and started making wreaths for my mom, my mother-in-law, and one because I had the random materials. Anyway, if you have been thinking about making wreaths, go for it! It's fun!

A wreath for us...

...for my mom's front door...

...for my mom's side door...

...for my mother-in-law (inspired by this wreath)...

...and just because (looks like a good base for a Fall wreath)...

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating