
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Big Sister!

So it's been a while since I've posted. We have taken a little break on the house (other than replacing the toilets) since Dave graduated. It has been nice to just hang out as a family instead of him working on school work and using any extra time to work on the house. We'll continue our projects soon but we've been spending our evenings taking bike rides since Dave got a new bike and kid trailer for his birthday/graduation present. 

Our biggest news, and probably the biggest reason our house projects have taken a back seat is this:

We're going to have another baby in January! I have been feeling much sicker with this pregnancy (not horrible but not good enough to work on projects). I promise to start regularly posting again once we get past this phase!


  1. Congratulations what a great reason to be taking some time off from renovations!

    Cute big sister shirt, wear it proudly little one!

  2. This is awesome news, Congratulations!
