
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Rug Time

I have long been a fan of indoor/outdoor rugs for their casual look, decent prices, durability and how easy they are to clean. I especially love using them for dining areas. In my search for rugs to put in our new house I ran across some great ones (at great prices!) at Ballard Designs and Make sure to click on the photos at Ballard Designs to see additional views and colors.

$29.00 - $229.00

$19.00 - $199.00

$19.00 - $199.00

$19.00 - $199.00

$43.00 - $559.00

$39.00 - $109.00




  1. I love the antique letter one...but you'd have to have just the right place for that...

  2. love the le Poeme one... there's a similar one at Home Decorators that Mike wants: We just bought a shag rug through them and LOOOVVVEEE it. They always have discounts and email coupons to us... you should check them out!

  3. I'll have to check that out. We have a shag rug now but it's too small for our space. Thanks for the link Tina!
