
Thursday, November 17, 2011

PB Knock Off Floating Shelves

Since we moved here I have been drooling over this photo and thinking that these shelves would look great in our kitchen/dining area. They are of course from Pottery Barn and cost $75 for one 4' shelf. 

Our shelves would need to be a little longer and we weren't prepared to spend $75 + per shelf. We found a great tutorial here on how to make floating shelves from hollow core doors and began planning our project. We decided to add molding to make the shelves look more like the PB version. It took Dave a few hours to build the shelves and I painted them the next day. It's a very doable weekend project and doesn't require many tools or materials. We used two hollow core doors ($20 each), molding, wood filler, a circular saw, clamps, a drill, a nail gun, primer, and paint.

We made our shelves 5'5" long and 10" deep. The total project ended up costing around $80 and we could have made a fourth shelf or multiple smaller shelves from the leftover door pieces.

 ...and we're clearly starting our Christmas decorating :-)


  1. Very cool! Love the look and your price in much better than PB. Way to go!

  2. the shelves look like
    a million bucks

    great job and
    thanks for sharing at fridays unfolded!


  3. just a note to let you know
    that i'm featuring your shelves
    on this week's fridays unfolded

    happy Thanksgiving!

