I guess I have been either a lazy blogger or a busy mother (or both) over the past few months. Anyway, it's about time I do a house tour for this house since we have been here well over a year. I will probably post longer on individual rooms and projects later, but for now...
My Pottery Barn knock off entry table that I posted about here.
Yay for Ballard Designs indoor/outdoor rugs!

I love the open floor plan because I am always in the kitchen, but can still keep an eye on the kids playing in the living area.
Our bedroom which is still incomplete. I can never seem to actually finish decorating our room in any house.
Our bathroom that I love! We have two separate vanities which I have grown to really appreciate over the one long vanity style.
Little Man's Room
The kids' bathroom. This photo doesn't really do it justice. I have a few really cute accessories from T.J. Maxx in there but I'll have to do a post on that later.
The princess' room:
The laundry room which I absolutely love! My husband built our washer/dryer stand from a modified Ana White plan and put a slide out shelving unit in the middle for all my washing supplies.
Hopefully I can get the time to post on specific projects soon as we've had some fun/cute ones in this house with the lack of constant construction work that we seemed to have in the other houses. It's kinda fun to be able to do projects because you want to and not necessarily because you have to.